Selasa, 05 Mei 2009

8 Important Traits of an Entrepreneur - Can You Make the Cut?

Entrepreneurship in its bland definition is someone who organizes, manages and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise. That could describe many business owners, who may or may not do that well in the role. So what makes a truly dynamic, highly successful entrepreneur? What are the traits of an entrepreneur that set him apart from the average business owner? That definition goes beyond the usual and reveals why not everyone can be or wants to be an entrepreneur.

The extended definition is someone who has a vision, takes massive action, and relentlessly pursues that vision to a successful outcome.

The true entrepreneur does not go down the same old, tired road either, but he is someone who develops a new product or a fresh twist to an existing product, who sees a better way of producing something, or creates an innovative market.

Some say that a child is born with the traits of an entrepreneur, that the child possesses those qualities from the moment of birth and is already a thinker and schemer of things. There is probably some truth to these beliefs, as a certain mindset plays a very important role in the success of entrepreneurial people, and without it you will find it more difficult to succeed in your business endeavors. So even if you’re a born entrepreneur, it is still necessary to develop specific skills and qualities to use in your future success.

There are many elements that comprise the traits of an entrepreneur, as outlined below. As you read, think about what your strengths are, what things you are good at, and your particular capabilities and interests. Just the fact that you are reading this shows you already have a strong desire to succeed in affiliate marketing, so if you possess or can develop these traits, nothing can stop you from being one of the biggest names in the marketplace.

Traits of an Entrepreneur

1. Positive Attitude - Successful entrepreneurs are positive thinkers. Issues that many business people consider to be problems or obstacles are seen as challenges by entrepreneurs. Their confidence allows them to think they can do anything and everything, so they look at situations differently from most individuals. Entrepreneurs have a strong belief in their objectives, so with this attitude and level of confidence they have a high chance of succeeding in any form of business.

2. Leadership - To become a successful entrepreneur, you must be a strong leader. As a leader, you must be able to skillfully guide, influence, and direct people. Staffing is often a responsibility of an entrepreneur, so if he can effectively manage and lead people so that he can entrust tasks to others and be certain they are done properly, there is a greater possibility of handling his business activities with ease and fewer worries. A good entrepreneur will have a certain charisma that few can resist.

3. Communication Skills - A successful entrepreneur must be an excellent communicator. Good communication assures that dealings with all sorts of individuals are handled smoothly and assures your information and instructions are conveyed correctly, completely, and clearly. It is important for everyone to understand what you’re saying. Hand in hand with being a good communicator, you must also be an excellent listener, writer, and reader. One of the most important roles of an aspiring entrepreneur is to maintain customer satisfaction at its highest point through effective communication.

4. Passion - Another crucial trait of an entrepreneur is having a passion for his business or project. Passion and enthusiasm can be infectious and will go a long ways in inspiring others to share your vision and join you in your endeavor. As long as you maintain the right drive and passion, you can continue to keep the momentum going for a successful business.

5. Risk-Taker - This is a very important trait of an entrepreneur. In the everyday course of your business, you will face problems and challenges which require a quick, firm decision. A successful entrepreneur does not fear venturing outside his safety zone; however, he doesn’t take risks blindly. By properly calculating the risks, he can determine if the risks are worth taking and whether or not the risk will benefit the business. Some risks are worth taking, after careful consideration, but if you're not a risk taker, then you will easily give in to any problems or obstacles. A true entrepreneur should not be afraid of taking chances when opportunity strikes.

6. Energetic - A successful entrepreneur must be willing to work tirelessly and do whatever it takes to reach the finish line. He must sustain the drive to achieve his highest level of performance to accomplish his next goal.

7. Stability - In order to handle tough situations, meet deadlines, make critical decisions, and maintain his physical, mental, social and emotional equilibrium in a fast-paced environment, during good times as well as tough times, a successful entrepreneur must have a stable life. He must make the same effort to eat well, get enough sleep, and watch health issues as he does in watching over his business.

8. Honest/Trustworthy - This may be the absolute most important of all the traits of an entrepreneur. He has to be honest and trustworthy at all times in order to gain and maintain good will with his customers, suppliers and staff. If the entrepreneur is found to be dishonest in any of his dealings, then none of the rest will even matter.

Embarking on an entrepreneurial venture is an exciting and challenging task. If you have, or can develop, the necessary traits of an entrepreneur, then you can make your business dreams come true. But if you simply think, and think some more, and you never take will not achieve anything. If you think and then act, you certainly can succeed.

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